Hanging out with the Head of School


CRMS is an intentionally small student community, and the reasons for this were clear on Halloween night when over 50 costumed teenagers gathered to celebrate the occasion down at the…

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How does water shape us


Perched as they are at the confluence of the Crystal and Roaring Fork Rivers, it is fitting that the ninth grade class at the Colorado Rocky Mountain School have found…

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Building Community


The first weeks of any high school experience can be a time of nervous transition for new students. This year CRMS has introduced initiatives aimed at easing the passage for…

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The CRMS Community Bike Sharing Program

Sage Bike

If you see a student pedaling a yellow cruiser bike around campus and then see another student pedaling a yellow cruiser bike around campus, don’t worry. You’re not seeing double.…

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Wild Mustang heads to CRMS


Reprinted from the September issue of Roaring Fork Lifestyle Magazine The students involved in the horse program at the Colorado Rocky Mountain School (CRMS) dreamt for months of adopting a…

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Senior Project is Integral to a CRMS Education


Senior Project is an integral part of a student’s final year at CRMS, requiring students to exercise self-reliance and responsibility. This project forms an important aspect of the transition from…

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The Braj

Braj Horizontal

Senior Morgan Young stepped up to the microphone at the end of CRMS’ All School Meeting holding a heavy, oversized chain. From it hung a copper letter “B,” jagged and…

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Advancing Solar in the Roaring Fork Valley


This piece is written by Catherine Lutz, on behalf of Aspen Skiing Company. To view the original piece, visit their Inside Aspen Snowmass blog. When a 147-kilowatt solar array was…

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