Affiliation: Former Head of School at CRMS, Alumni Parent
Occupation: Retired Head of School, Colorado Academy
Degrees: B.A Stanford University, M.A. University of Colorado, Boulder
What inspired you to join the CRMS Board of Trustees? I first established my connection to CRMS in 1983 and have remained fondly attached to the development of the school ever since that time. Right now I have the time and energy to devote to a board membership commitment; thus a reconnection with a school that has remained a part of me over the years is an attractive prospect. That long-standing connection draws me back, as does my long-held belief in the importance of the CRMS educational philosophy in the lives of developing adolescents. I, too, was inspired by the Holdens at an important time in my career, and CRMS remained a significant guidepost as my career unfolded. CRMS has faced many institutional challenges during its history and has demonstrated how its educational philosophy in practice has produced the creativity and resilience needed to meet those challenges. It’s exciting to be a part of this new chapter in the school’s history, and I look forward to being a part of the team that is charged with mustering the resources, and enthusiasm, to create that future.
What do you value most about CRMS? I have many fond memories of CRMS from my time there, as does my family, especially my daughter Jessica who is a proud CRMS graduate. We loved the sense of community where everyone works together to create that community, sustain it in a collective effort, and develop an attachment to it that is long-lasting. The educational philosophy combines the best of progressive education and traditional academics while engaging the active learning which is so important to life-long learning. Then there is that magical location where geography and the sense of place contributes to the formation of a community bond that would not be as possible except for those remarkable vistas. The CRMS experience is a combination of beautiful visuals and intellectual and character growth. That combination is at the core of student growth and remains the most powerful memory students take with them. I loved the way students took charge of their school experience and had a sense of loyalty and ownership to what the school stood for. And finally, I found the faculty to be incredibly committed to the school’s vision, great teachers, excellent role models, and interesting people. That atmosphere has been maintained over the years and I am sure will be in the future.
What are you most excited about while serving as a Trustee? I am excited about getting back involved with CRMS as the school enters its post-pandemic phase. Having the last year over, presents great opportunities for the school now that it has weathered multiple challenges quite successfully. I realize that the year has been exhausting for faculty, administration, and students, but I sense that there is a reservoir of positive energy, momentum, and optimism about the year ahead. The board is ready to support that and provide the help necessary to capitalize on an exciting new chapter in the CRMS experience. I’m eager to do all I can to help make that happen.