Appointed to Faculty 2000, as Head of School 2005
Jeff Leahy was born in Philadelphia and grew up in Eugene, Oregon.
Jeff’s dedication to the mission of Colorado Rocky Mountain School and its students is unrivaled. Jeff officially became the head of school in 2005, although he arrived on campus in 2000 and held roles as an English teacher, dean of residential life, and dean of students. Before coming to CRMS, Jeff worked as an English teacher, football coach, and dorm parent at the Hill School and the Middlesex School. Having dedicated most of his professional life to boarding schools, Jeff believes that they are powerful and unique learning environments because they focus on instilling values in their students, fulfilling roles absent in today’s culture, and teaching young people essential life skills — at boarding school, every moment of the day is a teaching opportunity.
Jeff lives on campus with his wife, Amanda, who chairs the History Department, runs the Horse Program, coaches Girls Soccer, and serves as an advisor. Their children, Megan and Finn, graduated from CRMS in 2018 and 2021.
- He played professional football in Finland before becoming a lifelong educator.
- He has a passion for baking bread (bagels are his specialty!).
- He can often be found serving homemade cappuccinos and lattes to students on the weekends.
- He hosts a daily workout for students at 6:00 AM in the CRMS Fitness Room. Click here to read all about it on our blog.