Visiting Scholar Program

by Mark Clark

photo: Craig Childs, Visiting Scholar 2017

The Visiting Scholar Program has existed for quite some time and, indeed, predates my arrival in 1979 and, I believe, was sporadically operative during the periods when both A.O. Forbes and Jim Gaw were students. I remember being told that Page Smith, the eminent historian and author of A People’s History of The United States among many other works, had come for a period of time as Visiting Scholar.

Over the course of the past decade we’ve brought in Visiting Scholars on an annual basis. They each have addressed a specific area, topic or department within the school. At times, their evening presentations have been open to the public.

A few examples of Visiting Scholars from recent years are:

Blake Spalding and Jen Castle. They are the co-owners of Hell’s Backbone Grill in Boulder, UT. In addition to preparing terrific food they are interested in community building and small-scale agriculture and have been successful in both of these areas for many years. They came to speak to the school and share their observations about community development as well as to meet with Linda Halloran (a former Garden Manager) and Fiona O’Donnell Pax about how the Garden and Kitchen can become even more important parts of the school; which both have become.

Joan and Pete Wernick. Both are terrific musicians and Pete was the founder of the seminal bluegrass band Hot Rize. They came to support the Art Department and specifically our music curricula; though they spoke in a variety of classes as Pete has a PhD and is well-versed in the history of music and culture.

Cate Cabot is the author of Uncharted: A Journey Along The Edge of Time and Survival. She worked with our Residential Faculty and our Counseling Services to help us become more sensitive to and aware and supportive of the amount of diversity that is in our school. She also spoke in many classes about her experiences and the challenge of writing.

This year, we are very excited to welcome Craig Childs’ to CRMS. His visit will bring the opportunity to highlight and focus on our diverse, powerful, and important Active Curricula. If you’d like to know more about Craig Childs please look at his website: There will be an evening program with Craig on Thursday, March 30 at 7:30 pm in the CRMS Barn that is open to the public. Please click here to see the flyer with more information.

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