Awards Dinner: Formal

This dinner is open to CRMS students and faculty only. Parents of award winners will be notified. Formal Dinner attire.


Congratulations to Class of 2o24 graduates and family on this significant milestone! Colorado Rocky Mountain School faculty and staff are excited to welcome you and your family to campus in June for this beautiful occasion in honor of the Class of 2024. Family members are invited to attend the Senior Symposium presentations, Family Reception, Coffee…

Alumni Weekend

We’re gathering alumni June 14 - 16, 2024! Reunite with old friends, faculty, classmates, and friends during a weekend filled with activities for alumni of all ages. All alumni are welcome to attend. Please register to join the festivities!

New Family Orientation

2024 New Family Orientation & Opening Days Schedule New Family Orientation helps families transition into the school by informing them about the academic, outdoor, sports, and service programs as well…

Wilderness Orientation

Wilderness groups (all new students) depart on Thursday, August 22, and return on Saturday, August 31.

BBQ Dinner & Field Games

BBQ Dinner and Field Games for all students 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Day students are encouraged, but not required, to attend.

Convocation and Formal Dinner

All students and faculty are required to attend. 5:00 p.m. Convocation in the Barn 5:45 p.m. Formal Dinner

Closed Evening – No Signouts

Friday, September 6th is a closed evening for all boarding students - no overnight sign-outs. All students will participate in on-campus activities, including a BBQ and our annual Dorm Olympics.…

BBQ Dinner & Dorm Olympics

Dinner and Dorm Olympics for all students 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Students will be participating in the annual Dorm Olympics - one of the most fun events of the…

Closed Evening – No Signouts

Friday, September 13th is a closed evening for all boarding students - no overnight sign-outs. All students will participate in All School Scholarship Work Day the following morning, and 9th…

9th Grade Welcome Weekend

The purpose of the 9th Grade Welcome Weekend is to create connections and bonds between incoming 9th graders. Since the Wilderness Orientation groups are small by design, students may not…

All School Scholarship Work Day

All School Scholarship Work Day (required for 9th-12th grade students) Saturday, September 14th, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. All students take part in this day of service. It's a yearly…