Wilderness Orientation

Wilderness groups depart on Thursday, August 24, and return on Saturday, September 2.

Dinner & Dorm Olympics

Dinner and Dorm Olympics for all students 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Students will be participating in the annual Dorm Olympics - one of the most fun events of the year! Day students are encouraged, but not required, to attend. They will be assigned to the dorm that corresponds with their class.

12th Grade College Bootcamp and Leadership Initiatives

12th Grade College Counseling Bootcamp & Leadership Initiatives weekend allows seniors to dedicate time to the college process at the start of the school year. In addition, seniors will work with Kayo Ogilby on their class leadership initiatives. A full schedule will be sent to seniors before the first day of school and can be…

All School Service Day

All School Service Day (required for all students) Saturday, September 9th, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Meet inside the Bar Fork. All students take part in this day of service. It's a yearly tradition that unites us as a community; working together to support the place where we learn and live. Please come dressed in…