Alpine Team State Competition: Winter Park
The Alpine Team State Competition is at Winter Park.
Nordic Team State Competition: Snow Mountain Ranch
The Nordic Team State Competition will be held in Granby.
Oystermeister: Nordic
Oystermeister is a series of competitive events throughout the year. The series, which attracts approximately 60-120 participants, offers a diverse lineup of events. They include rock climbing/bouldering; a 2.5-mile trail run on Tick Ridge; 250-meter swim; a 5K Nordic ski (skate or classic) at Spring Gulch; an alpine downhill at the Snowmass Ski Area NASTAR…
Oystermister: Alpine
Oystermeister is a series of competitive events throughout the year. The series, which attracts approximately 60-120 participants, offers a diverse lineup of events. They include rock climbing/bouldering; a 2.5-mile trail run on Tick Ridge; 250-meter swim; a 5K Nordic ski (skate or classic) at Spring Gulch; an alpine downhill at the Snowmass Ski Area NASTAR…
Winter Visual Art Show
Dessert will be served in the Bar Fork gallery. This event is for students and faculty only.
Musical Theatre Performance
This performance is for students and faculty only. Masks are required in the Barn.
SAT Testing Date
This is a primary test date for CRMS juniors.