9th Grade Welcome Weekend

The purpose of the 9th Grade Welcome Weekend is to create connections and bonds between incoming 9th graders. Since the Wilderness Orientation groups are small by design, students may not…

All School Scholarship Work Day

All School Scholarship Work Day (required for 9th-12th grade students) Saturday, September 14th, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. All students take part in this day of service. It's a yearly…

Oystermeister: Pond Swim

Wednesday, September 18 Meet at the Kayak Pond What is Oystermeister? Seven times each school year, students and faculty come together for a school-wide, fun-for-all athletic event. Students pay an…

Fall Trip

Students will receive more information and register for their Fall Trip choices in September. All students in level 1 actives (rock climbing, mountain biking, and kayaking) will automatically be placed on a level 1 trip. *Please contact the school if your student will be observing Rosh Hashanah so that we can discuss available options.  Please…