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PSAT – Required for 9th, 10th & 11th-Grade Students


The PSAT test is required for all 9th-11th grade students.
The PSAT for 11th grade students is the National Merit Scholar Qualifying Test.

Review the October 7 – 11 Special Schedule for PSAT Testing and Wellness Days for testing times. 

The College Board’s PSAT provides you, your child, and the school with information on how well students are reaching benchmarks for college readiness. PSAT scores are a good indicator of how students will perform on the SAT. PSAT data is also helpful to the school as we align our academic curriculum with College Board benchmarks. Overall, CRMS students outperform the national averages in demonstrating growth over time on College Board assessments.

*PSAT test scores are not reported to colleges.
*When score reports are posted in December, we strongly encourage students to link their College Board account with Khan Academy so they can make use of this robust study tool.

If you have any questions or a conflict, please contact Nancy Draina, Academic Dean.

PSAT – Required for 9th, 10th & 11th-Grade Students